I am extremely proud to be English. As Cecil Rhodes said "To be born an Englishman means you have already won first prize in the lottery of life".
I feel absolutely no shame about England or Great Britain, even when we have done wrong in the past. It's what it is and we cannot rewrite history. Overall GB has been a force for good around the world. It can't be so bad or we wouldn't have hundreds of foreigners arriving on our shores every day.
As for those who complain about our past links with slavery and tear down statues, I would say it's too late late to help those slaves long gone. However, it's not too late to help rid our land of modern day slavery. In places such as Leicester and Bradford there are sweat shops packed with enslaved workers housed and working in unhuman conditions. Of course it may be uncomfortable to address these, along with grooming gangs as there will be a need to add the word "Asian" to these.
St George of England